How toxic is your relationship with cooking? We’re here to find out!

When we talk about air pollution, the first thought that pops into most people’s heads is polluted skies & outdoor environments. However, indoor air pollution is an equally important issue for human health. An average person spends 90% of their time indoors, which makes it all the more crucial to …

Plumes over Fairbanks

Ever wonder what happens to the emissions from the power plants in Fairbanks? French researcher Brice Termine-Roussel took this dramatic photograph of the plume from the downtown power plant on the evening of January 22nd. Our study will probe the vertical distribution of these plumes and how they mix vertically …

Fairbanks Winter Air Study

A key component of the Fair Air project is the Alaskan Layered Pollution and Chemical Analysis (ALPACA) 2022 field project. This study brings forty scientists from across the lower 48 and Europe to come to Fairbanks to work with UAF scientists and study air pollution under cold and dark conditions. …